Saturday, February 2, 2008

1st Born Puppy

This is puppy #1 = female mostly black & white. She was first born and is the smallest of the 3.
Pic taken Feb 2, 2008. A little shy, very sweet and loves to play and give kisses.


  1. OMG! Thiz puppy iz absolutely preciouz. My doctor keepz telling me I need to get a very small dog, ever since the accident. He sayz I need the companionship since the girlz are in school all day. I've been looking everywhere for something I can afford that iz cute and loveable, but haven't found it yet. You are very fortunate to have such a great litter.

  2. Using a z where you should use an s isn't cute. It make you look illiterate.
    That is a cute puppy, however!
