Monday, December 31, 2007

New stuff...

Gee, the fun seems to never end. We are still having problems with our septic tank. We had recently had it pumped and toilets worked well for 2 days. Now it seems our leader line is having problems... it may be tree roots. Hubby is outside now trying to dig up the leader line. Our plumber, Mr. Culpepper, says it could get really bad, he mentioned being up sh** creek. I guess he has been there before and it is an actual place like maybe... my backyard. 8) Well maybe its a good thing to be distracted by this so we don't think on more serious problems, IE 'our relationship' and how it's going to change.

I decided to wait until all my dental work is done before resuming my job search. I am having too many interruptions with dental apt.s right now. And it's bumming me out. I have been making some progress with my laundry room. And am getting close to getting all my laundry done. Finding some old clothes I have missed wearing. Almost like treasure hunting. And I can get some more organizing done. The dentist, Mr. Colvin said, it should all be finished by the end of January 08. Sigh, at least I have a target to shoot for, that's a relief.

The number '8' means New Beginnings! Expect good things this coming year! Behold! I do a new thing! Hopefully it will be a job, earning good money.

Anyone have any takes on 'Bloom Where You Are Planted'?? I would love to hear what you think.

Update on Lumineers 2

Surprise of all surprises, they repaired my temporary, put the same one back in and it fell out the next day, yet again. But since there was no pain this time, I don't think I'll go back until the permanent ones come back in. Unless I feel any pain.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Update on Lumineers...

The receptionist called today to remind me of my appointment tomorrow. I asked her had she listened to the answering machine? She said not yet. I told her a lumineer fell off and she said she would let the dentist know. I said I had left several messages. She was in a hurry so I let her go, they will find out soon enough. The company that makes the lumineers said they would file a complaint and give the dentist a call to see if he has taken care of the situation. I suppose I will find out something tomorrow, since I do have an appointment.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

This is my first video, I made it from some pictures of my dogs ... Pebbles & BamBam. I made this to share with my family. I thought they would enjoy it. And I hope you do too.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Friday, December 21, 2007

A Billion Dollars

In God We Trust

A billion - the true story about a billion Dollars
This is too true to be very funny The next time you hear a politician use the word "billion" in a casual manner, think about whether you want the "politicians" spending YOUR tax money. A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of its releases.

A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.
D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
E. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it. While this thought is still fresh in our brain, let's take a look at New Orleans It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division . . Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D), is presently asking the Congress for $250 BILLIONto rebuild New Orleans. Interesting number, what does it mean?
A. Well, if you are one of 484,674 residents of New Orleans (every man, woman, child), you each get $516,528.
B. Or, if you have one of the 188,251 homes in New Orleans , your home gets $1,329,787.
C. Or, if you are a family of four, your family gets $2,066,012. Washington, D.C .. HELLO!!! ... Are all your calculators broken??

Tax his land, Tax his wage, Tax his bed in which he lays. Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes is the rule. Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat. Tax his ties, Tax his shirts, Tax his work, Tax his dirt. Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he tries to think. Tax his booze, Tax his beers, If he cries, Tax his tears. Tax his bills, Tax his gas, Tax his notes, Tax his cash. Tax him good and let him know That after taxes, he has no dough. If he hollers, Tax him more, Tax hi m until he's good and sore. Tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in which he lays. Put these words upon his tomb, "Taxes drove me to my doom!" And when he's gone, We won't relax, We'll still be after the inheritance TAX!! Accounts Receivable Tax Building Permit Tax CDL License Tax Cigarette Tax Corporate Income Tax Dog License Tax Federal Income Tax Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA) Fishing License Tax Food License Tax Fuel Perm it Tax Gasoline Tax Hunting License Tax Inheritance Tax Inventory Tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax), IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax), Liquor Tax, Luxury Tax, Marriage License Tax, Medicare Tax, Property Tax, Real Estate Tax, Service charge taxes, Social Security Tax, Road Usage Tax (Truckers), Sales Taxes, Recreational Vehicle Tax, School Tax, State Income Tax, State Unemployment Tax (SUTA), Telephone Federal Excise Tax, Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax, Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax, Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax, Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax, Telephone Stateand Local Tax, Telephone Usage Charge Tax, Utility Tax, Vehicle License Registration Tax, Vehicle Sales Tax, Watercraft Registration Tax, Well Permit Tax, Workers Compensation Tax.
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids. What happened?
Can you spell 'politicians!' And I still have to "press 1" for English. I hope this goes around THE USA. What the heck happened?????


I am currently getting lumineers on my front teeth, the lower set. Had nothing but problems so far. Finally got them in, and the dentist broke 2 of them trying to attach them. So he had his assistant put the broken ones on temporarily til the others come in, ...again. (They sent off the impressions twice, the first time 3 weeks, the 2nd time 2 weeks.) That was yesterday. The stuff he used on my teeth, whatever it was, makes the skin on the inside of my mouth come off. The assistant says that's normal. This time my lip swelled and I broke out in blisters, a bunch of them. He prescribed me some mouth wash that is helping, but it has a warning that it stains teeth. How scary is that? Now today, the temp fell off, and I was surprised I felt pain. The pain is increasing, and I've called his office no one is there today. Dec 21, 2007. The after hours emergency number is another office number and there is no answer there either. I have left numerous messages. I know I will not be able to handle this pain for very much longer. I will probably have to go to the emergency room. At the moment I am sorry I went this direction and I would like my money back! But I am in PAIN! They are supposed to be guaranteed for 20 years. I have no more confidence that they will. I want something in writing. I am spending too much money for these kinds of troubles. Don't know what you can do, but I need to vent. This is definitely not pain free. (And they remove some of your enamel when they adhere them to your teeth)
Dentist: Christopher D. Williams, DDS of Tooth Time Dentistry, New Braunfels, TX

Friday, December 14, 2007

Surprise of surprises... my hubby bought me a Dell computer % ) Who have thought it? 4 Gig memory, 500 Gig harddrive. Quad processor. Suppose to be fast. The monitor arrived yesterday and the tower probably will show up tomorrow. What a shocker.

Monday, I lost my external hard drive. The electric went out and zapped it. I tried working all day to find a way to retrieve my contents. I worked til 12 am and decided to go ahead and go to bed. So I shut down the computer and unplugged my ehd from all sources of power. And prayed for a miracle. Tues morning after I had taken my son to school. I plugged up my ehd and plugged it into the computer, then powered up. I didn't get the messages I was getting previously. Like, found usb device cannot find driver. So I checked the 'my computer' and there it was! It's called 'Scrapbooking'. It's where I keep all my scrapbooking stuff. It's almost full. So I have been busy backing up, since it scared me half silly.
Later gators....

Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Around the World ... Christmas gifts from designers around the world! Don't miss out! This is the main link for all the designer presents. These links will expire Dec. 16! Get em fast.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

That's my sense of humor on the page. He is the light of my heart & the twinkle in my eyes. To sum it all up ... 'You're Blinding me. I love ya much! ... MOM Hahaha. Isn't that paper beautiful. I love angels, I have a collection of them. Font used on page is Love Letters. 'Angelic Papers' are by Demiurgia Designs

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Today I have a dentist appointment, seems they need to do a better job at cleaning up my teeth for the veneers I will be getting. They only gave me 3 colors of teeth to choose from. I will be inquiring about that to see if there are more choices. He is coming in on his day off to get this done, before the final veneers are made. Hopefully it won't take them another 3weeks to accomplish this task. All other plans I have, I am playing by 'ear'. I have been to several sites and left 'prayer requests' for my other personal stuff. I hope they contact me by email soon and let me know what they think of my situation.

Visitors Come Knocking

This is Tommy's nephew Michael, he came knocking at the door & Tommy didn't recognize him until he said something. This is his new son Taylor, he was 1 pound when he was born and now weighs 10 pounds. He was 8 months old on the 27th of Nov. That was Tues. evening.

Credits: Brenda Miller's 'Gifts of the Season' kit
Fonts: LD Christmas Lights & Monotype Corsiva.
Stars of this show: Michael, Laura & Taylor.
Photographer & Layout Designer: MonaLisaK

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Looking for employment

I have filled out applications for employment at these places. Post Office, Hastings, Ross, & Lowe's. I have an appointment for interview at Lowe's this coming Monday at 8:30am. Wish me luck.

These are some drawings I have done. So I scrapped them, it's what I like to do. I turned the bottom drawing into a scrap element on my page in a somewhat 3d design. Made the paper myself.

Some pictures of violets I took. The kit I used Blissfully Blue by Connie Prince/DigiDiva. I like the way it turned out.

This is the same kit with a different subject. We had an ice storm in January of this year, 2007. And this is some ice off of a bush from outside. This is my son wearing his dad's face mask. This layout can also be found at GottaPixel


Was playing with family pictures. The old geezer in the back is my FIL. To the far right is my SIL. The 2 girls & baby belong to my niece in law and the boy is my son. The solid blue background paper was made by MonaLisaK. The other paper was made by Kathryn Estry, from the kit Blue Magnolias. The template for the lace at the top was by JMead- Power Borders 2.

This is my son's school pic for this year. I made the background paper. I had bought a certificate from an antique store downtown, scanned it, extracted it from the certificate, cleaned up any stray pixels and walla a new frame for my page. Because it was taken in October I added leaves to the background paper.

Previous personal posts temporarily removed....

I have decided to remove all previous posts about my personal life that I had been sharing with some friends who wanted to know how things are going. They are on hold as for now. I have saved those posts as drafts, so if I want to include those at a later time I can. But I may choose not to. I am on yahoo instant messenger if they want to contact me. I can also be found on 'Hello' my nick is MonaLisaK.

I will be sharing some past layouts I have made. Hopefully get to share some freebies. I took some time off on Thanksgiving to create 2 new layouts, which I plan on uploading in a few minutes.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Wednesday... the fun begins
I ran off with Laurie in her car, I forgot that I had locked the back door, until later... had lunch at Olive Garden, went to home depot to buy potting soil and flowers to put on Rascal's grave. My ferret that passed away last wed. Then Laurie gets a call from her son... he doesn't leave a message and neither of us heard the phone ring. So she freaks, just like I do! And we drive by the school while she is calling him on his cell phone, he is 14. He doesn't answer his cell or the home phone, and he is not at school. So here's the thought running through her brain, He better not have started walking home and gotten hit by a car, I'll kill him! (My sentiments exactly!) Finally we are almost at my house when he finally answers the home phone. I was upstairs playing games. Meanwhile.... Thomas had gotten home to find my car home, all the doors locked and no one answering the door!! When we drove up, he pointed at me, looking very relieved that I was there and said, I thought you had passed out, died in the house or something you scared me half to death!!! Next time leave a note!!!

Then he let me know something was wrong with Chelsea our pekingese, she stays in the backyard with the other dogs. So I checked on her and took her to the vet the same day. They kept her overnight and scheduled her for surgery Thurs. am. She had a tumor on her belly about the size of a grapefruit! I was amazed, it could grow so quickly! So she had surgery Thurs and is fine exept for having tested positive for heartworms. Bummer I wished they had told me before the surgery. My husband didn't want to spend the 250.o0 for the surgery much less spend it if she was gonna pass away anyhow... But anyway she looks happy to be in the house and she has to stay inside for at least 10 days. Which makes hubby grouchy.

Me and my friend Laurie went out errand running this morning. To the Bank, Olive Garden...because of a double charge item, and Office Depot and then Wally World for some grocery shopping. We then went back to my house and she put her stuff in her car and I put my stuff in my house and we said goodbye for the day. My feet were very tired and we both have some allergies trying to overtake us.

After she left... the fun began!

1. Looked at phone to see if anyone called the house, ahhhhh Tommy called ...wonder why, so I called him. He's sitting in line at school to pick up Thomas. He called his dad's #. Of course, the school called the house 3 times but I was gone. They have my number... blink blink! Thomas did not realize the school has my cell # written down, but now he does. ....Tommy called my cell at 2:16 ok, I was either still at Wally World or had my purse inside the house and was unpacking groceries.

2. Tommy smashed his middle finger REAL good with the hammer at work around 9 am. I said, you should have gone to the doctor, he thinks so too, but no one else on job knows what they are doing so he has to be there to supervise and tell everyone else what to do.

3. Met Tommy at Lobrados restaurant near Oak Run to pick up Thomas so Tommy can go back to work.

4. Thomas took some sinus meds that were in the car... so started feeling better so went back to Wally World to get a no trespassing sign. Found 1! So got it. Saw a shelf for 26.00 4shelves. So got it too for the laundry room. Thomas helped put it in cart and we left.

5. Went to put the sticks I got for the back of the sign on it.... thought it was going pretty good, then I flipped it over and said oh sh*** ...then said, Thomas your mom is getting really tired. Sign was upside down how funny looking back on that.
So I decided to nail the sign to the tree. That worked. Then found rope in tree in front yard, started pulling on it cause it was stuck in a crevice ... fire ants came running onto the rope very quickly. Are you laughing at me??!! Obviously I let go of the rope. And then went to shed to try and find another rope, Thomas helped me look. No such luck there so went back to first rope. Finished yanking it out of tree. Layed it on the ground and shook it a little, to let the ants find there way to the grass. So tied rope to the two sticks I bought for sign, (that didn't work out for me) and stretched it out as far as it would go as a block for the cars that were parking in our grass and under our trees, I guess for the shade. Since they have no trees in their yard. But it was getting ridiculous, 1st one car, then two and yesterday there were 3 big vehicles in our grass under our trees. I think adults should automatically know better. But I guess not. So Tommy said, that fence is going up this weekend! Well, I surely hope so. We've been wanting that fence up for over 2 years now.

I tried to start supper and my feet were screaming at me!! So I decided to give up on that and get Kentucky Fried Chicken. So I called Tommy and let him know my plans. He said to meet him in the Wally World parking lot and write out payroll so he can take his employee home. So I did. And then got chicken went home. blah blah blah

And this was just my afternoon.....

I hope your afternoon was very uneventful.

Huggies (lol)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Here's a set of papers I made quite a while ago, I decided to make them a paper set and give them away as a sample. Click on the picture. Send your friends to my site for their free sample. Enjoy.

Sept. 10, 2007 Time sure flies. I just finished making a template, my first ever. I needed a way to make my own color swatches, so I made a template to help me out. Uploading now to Color Swatch template

Have started buying decorations for the party! I just hope I don't live to regret it! I have had parties before and they were more work than I anticipated. Won't that be fun! Now if I can just get my family on board with helping me... seems like an impossible task? Maybe so. I don't know. But I plan on putting all the little pets on the back porch for the event several days in advance. Let's see, I have one ferret now, one passed away this past week. I have one chameleon lizard, one love-bird, one cockatiel , and one sugar-glider. And I have to put the 'devil-dog' somewhere in the back bedrooms, maybe... My son calls Pebbles the devil-dog but others call BamBam the devil-dog... he will not stop barking at people. Guess I could use a dog whisperer. LOL

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Back to School Week

Hi ya'll, it's back to school week here in our town. My son started Monday, and it's hard to get used to the strange hours. It really seems like hours in the day are missing. Wondered where all that time went all of a sudden. School begins at 7:45 he has to be there 7:30am. Gets out 2:45pm. Been doing a lot of house-cleaning. Need to finish some of that housework and work on some new layouts for my Creative Teams. I have ideas for freebies, or what I like to call samples. Maybe by Christmas time I'll be designing? Sounds like a plan...

I have been thinking about having an old-fashioned All Hallows Eve party. My friend, Laurie likes that idea and she most likely will be accompanying me on my endeavors. Hahaha, evil laugh commencing. She's real good at poetry. She'll be putting together all her poems to make a book. I can hardly wait, I get a signed copy! Woohoo! I have to finish some layouts and get my son off to bed.... So see ya later gators!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hey, I got those DVD's I was looking for when I got back from Padre Island! Woohoo! Six DVD's full of kits etc. I got the whole store instead of just the page kits. How awesome is that? I was so excited. Just to catch you up... I won the Ultimate Scrapper Challenge at GottaPixel. I did 58 layouts for the challenge. At first I couldn't believe I won! And the day before I got a fortune cookie that said, 'Among the lucky, you are the Chosen One'! How cool is that? I scrapped it. I got two screen shots and scrapped both.

About my trip... I took my laptop with me to work on my layouts if I got bored. Yep, got bored at night in room only one TV. Well, guess what... forgot to pack the power cord! Then I thought maybe I can buy one and still use it. Just for the converter it was $150.00 and the part to hook it from the computer to the converter was not included. WOW. So I didn't bother with that. Well, then... I took a lot of pictures and figured out when my memory was full, I remembered I could not download them, no power cord. So I bought some extra memory for my camera, it was cheaper than the power cord.

Strange goings on lately. I hear reports of gremlins from all over! Air conditioning units in cars and houses going out. Cars breaking down. Someone stole my husbands wallet! Found out it was his new employee. He's on the run, cause he also stole a car. It was really fishy that every weekend since he has been in town, he's ended up in jail. Every weekend! Unbelievable!

Went to bookstore today with my friend, Laurie. These are the books I brought home.

1. Gifts for the Cookie Jar

2. Hairstyles of the World

3. Projects for Pets

4. Heavenly Chocolate Recipes

5.American Sign Language

6.Design Source Book for Crafters

Watched Wild Hogs with the hubby. Got a crop to go to "Divine Diva Deal" @ Divine Digital. Started 5 min. ago....bye for now.

Am back .... I thought I would put up a freebie!

Here's the Preview, it's the purple weave patterned paper above.

Please leave a comment and let me know what you think... thanks!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Why Mona Lisa smiles today...

Just booked the weekend at a hotel on South Padre Island. Woohoo .... relaxation. First get-a-way all summer. Hopefully it won't rain, but hey if it does... I will take pictures! It's got an indoor heated pool. It's near the beach too. Thursday thru Sunday, back to work on Monday.

I'm hoping my Ultimate Scrapper Challenge winnings from Gotta Pixel will be waiting in the mail when I get back. I won June 31, 2007. It's Aug 8 and the package is still a no show. I have notified her. And she mailed out a duplicate July 31. Of course with her apologies for it not showing up yet. The postman "Bob" told me it probably got destroyed in the mail, cause it should not have taken this long. Hey, cross your fingers and toes for me!

I need to start packing for the trip. I'm looking forward to not cooking! Hopefully I won't gain back any of the weight I have lost since dieting. Yep I've lost 18 lbs. I'm on the Kimkim's diet.
Colleen has this great offer...
Colleen Shibley of Colleen's Creations5 Free Kits of Your Choice for Joining through this link!
If you need to get in touch with her, she can be reached through the Gotta Pixel website here: .

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Main Sign @ Bracken Village

Thought this was a cute little house. Awwwe

I bought stuff here. Let's see, a black cat,
a cardinal, a teacup and a teakettle one set in
violets and the other in roses, to hang on my
tree at Christmas time.

The sign is so cute.

Today is Wednesday Aug. 1, 2007

Me and my friend Laurie went out on an excursion today. We went to Bracken Village. We took lots of pictures and had a good time. We sure needed a break from the house and kids for a little while. It was refreshing getting out of the house after all the rain we've had.

My husband is planning a 3 day trip to Corpus Christi next weekend. Yeah! No cooking for 3 days!! Woohoo!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Well, I figured out how to make the blinkies work. Hurray for me! Wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Next on my list is to figure out how to link the layouts back to my gallery for credit purposes.

It's been a blah blah day today. Haven't been focused well at all. But tomarrow should be better. Got an outing with my friend to Bracken Village. That's in Garden Ridge, I believe. It's in between my house and the booby mall. (That's Rolling Oaks Mall) It has round domes on top.

Better get dinner started got a bear coming home soon. LOL After dinner will work on some layouts. Got to 'Get R Done'! Later gator.
My next project... find out how to make those blinkies work. LOL
When I finish my Creative Team assignments, I will be posting and working on my blog.


Hi, I'm Mona Lisa and I'm glad you're here. Welcome to my blog. I am hoping that soon I'll be able to offer a few freebies, won't that be grand! I will be posting about the Creative Teams I am on. Links to my favorite places. Some of my layouts etc.