Monday, June 18, 2012


Seems like depression is pretty much in my life to stay. I've looked at things I've written online and at home and it seems like I have a large circle going on that keeps coming around about every 5-7 years. How fun is that? It's a constant fight/struggle to maintain a normal happy. I now don't believe it's possible to do. Esp. without a job. At least with a job you can afford at least one doctor appointment now and then.

I wanted to tell someone ... I've bought several items thru this store and I was very dissappointed in their quality.  One item in particular; Magic Doilies by Benthaicreations.  I cannot use these doilies at all.  I cannot clean them up enough to use them.  They are very blurry when used on a 12x12 page.  I wrote them about it and they removed my account.  I suppose they really do not care about quality control as their site states.  So buyers beware!!  The store is  Good luck to anyone who uses them.