I got this in an email recently
'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'
How long is the beast allowed to have authority in Revelations?
Revelations Chapter 13 tells us it is 42 months, and you know what that is.
Almost a four-year term of a Presidency.
All I can say is 'Lord, Have mercy on us!'
According to The Book of Revelations the anti-Christ is: The anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40's, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything..
Do we recognize this description??
I STRONGLY URGE each one of you to post this as many times as you can! Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or media outlet..do it! I refuse to take a chance on this unknown candidate who came out of nowhere.
From: Dr. John Tisdale
Dear Friends,
As I was listening to a news program last night, I watched in horror as Barack Obama made the statement with pride. . .'we are no longer a Christian nation; we are now a nation of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, . .' As with so many other statements I've heard him (and his wife) make, I never thought I'd see the day that I'd hear something like that from a presidential candidate in this nation. To think our forefathers fought and died for the right for our nation to be a Christian nation--and to have this man say with pride that we are no longer that. How far this nation has come from what our founding fathers intended it to be.
I hope that each of you will do what I'm doing now--send your concerns, written simply and sincerely, to the Christians on your email list. With God's help, and He is still in control of this nation and all else, we can show this man and the world in November that we are, indeed, still a Christian nation
Makes you wonder?? Time will tell.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
It's been a hectic month!
I think everyone I know has had a busy busy month. I now work for the Post Office every Tuesday, hopefully I'll get to keep that job, it'll be good money once I get really good at it. I haven't started on the bookkeeping yet. Lots still to do. I need to scrap some pages for Melissa Daniel Designs too. I lost my external hard drive, with that I lost all the layouts I was working on. I lost some pictures, but I mostly kept up with backing those up. I think I backed up the majority of my purchased kits. I lost my husband's bookkeeping info, that was bad, employee info and everything. Bummer. After I get caught up, I will work on some freebies to post. I lost all that too. Such is life, eh? It will be so nice to get caught up and stay in that vacinity. :-)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Freebie News...
My 4-shared account was deleted. I kept trying to get into the account before they deleted it but wasn't able to. This was when they were having so many blog hunts it caused 4shared a lot of trouble and it wasn't working half the time. But anyway... I haven't had time yet to hunt all my freebies down and re-upload them. But hopefully very very soon. They will show up on DigiFree when I finish that, so stay tuned....
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone. The old ones and some new ones will be up and running soon.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone. The old ones and some new ones will be up and running soon.
The news recently is...my father in law passed away on Veterans Day. Yep. My husband and I were there when he took his last 5 breaths. We had just bought his clothes and hubby's clothes for the funeral when we got the call. I have been busy making arrangements for 2 days afterward and cleaned house the day before the funeral. I would not have finished without the help of my best friend, Laurie! I was dehydrated from making arrangements with my husband, and he wasn't hungry or thirsty for 2 days practically anyway, he did eat in the evening, but had to talk him into it. Not good for me to get dehydrated, my muscles rebel, by cramping excessively. So every time the cramps grabbed hold of me I took a break and drank as much as I possibly could, still wasn't enough.
Picked up all the flowers/plants from the funeral home today, and the cards etc.
Made a doctor apt today and got in today, is that amazing or what.
I do have good news. I got hired for the Post Office job, being an Rural Route Carrier. It's a part time job, but I can work up to career position if I choose to.
The pay will be good, no insurance or anything like that unless I get a career job.
I start training November 24, 2008. Train for five days and then I go to work.
I'm hoping for the best. At the doctor's office today they said my blood sugar is out of control. So they want me to go back in two weeks.
Picked up all the flowers/plants from the funeral home today, and the cards etc.
Made a doctor apt today and got in today, is that amazing or what.
I do have good news. I got hired for the Post Office job, being an Rural Route Carrier. It's a part time job, but I can work up to career position if I choose to.
The pay will be good, no insurance or anything like that unless I get a career job.
I start training November 24, 2008. Train for five days and then I go to work.
I'm hoping for the best. At the doctor's office today they said my blood sugar is out of control. So they want me to go back in two weeks.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Look what I found! TROUBLE!

This is a fabulous kit! I am loving it TOO much! If you wanna look yourself... check it out. HERE
This is what I've done with the kit so far.
Previews Melissa Daniel Designs
Friday, October 3, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Well, since this past Wed, Aug 6, 2008 I've been going to church in San Antonio with LaVerne. Wed they had us bring salt to be blessed. They said if you want to lose weight or get a miracle bring salt and they would bless it, and when we use it, something would happen like we would lose weight or get healed of something. All you have to do is believe. Well, I did that and I have lost 1 pound. Haha.
Friday night, Aug 8, 08 was really good, I really enjoyed the special singers they had. We ate annointed bread and went through a prayer line to be healed. And some good news ... my blood sugar is coming down. Was 404 Thurs morning, this morning 269. Today is Sat the 9th. Last night it got down to 211 haven't seen it that low in a coon's age. I plan on going to my home church tomarrow, and back to San Antonio Monday morning for a word of prophecy. Everyone is supposed to get one that goes. Can hardly wait.
Later Gator...
PS Am believing God to heal me of Sugar Diabetes completely.
Friday night, Aug 8, 08 was really good, I really enjoyed the special singers they had. We ate annointed bread and went through a prayer line to be healed. And some good news ... my blood sugar is coming down. Was 404 Thurs morning, this morning 269. Today is Sat the 9th. Last night it got down to 211 haven't seen it that low in a coon's age. I plan on going to my home church tomarrow, and back to San Antonio Monday morning for a word of prophecy. Everyone is supposed to get one that goes. Can hardly wait.
Later Gator...
PS Am believing God to heal me of Sugar Diabetes completely.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
What kind of music are you?
You Are Classical Music |
Art of all kinds interests you, and a good piece of art can really effect you emotionally. You are inspired by human achievement, and you appreciate work that takes years to accomplish. For you, the finer things in life are not about snobbery - they're about quality. |
http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofmusicareyouquiz/">What Kind of Music Are You?
Well, am I a procrastinator or what?! Yes most definately. I am still working on my taxes for 2007. Or shall I say my husbands' taxes. Am getting very close to the end. Then I have to start on next years, but at least the cloud that looms over my head will go away for awhile. And school is about to start again.
My husband told our son at the beginning of vacation. Since there's no school, you can stay up at night as much and as long as you like. His schedule is completely turned around now, and he expects me to correct it all by myself! I think it would be a good thing, if he started backing me 100% instead of telling the 14 year old boy... you don't have to listen to her. And surprisingly he (my hubby) has started to head that direction, thanks to the Baby Borrowers on tv. He is realizing how many mistakes he has made. Good thing, but he's still putting it all on me.
Need to put the boy in his own room. Yes he is in ours, has his own bed. But I have hated it for many years and although my dear husband hasn't wanted to deal with it, and agrees to a point that the boy needs to be in his own room ... refuses to help me move stuff like beds to get him there. And he has had several weeks off from work, he'll find any excuse not to help me. I ready to throw his stupid a#$ out! If he doesn't help ..he'll be moving in the same room with him. I have mentioned this to him only once. It's going to make him very angry when I do this... well, lets see what happens. Maybe he'll beat me to death and I won't have to think of it anymore. Or maybe I could get lucky and he moves out...or changes for the better. Some people have to have a lot of hell happen before they change. Well, then so be it. Let the hell begin. Hahaha *evil laugh*
My husband told our son at the beginning of vacation. Since there's no school, you can stay up at night as much and as long as you like. His schedule is completely turned around now, and he expects me to correct it all by myself! I think it would be a good thing, if he started backing me 100% instead of telling the 14 year old boy... you don't have to listen to her. And surprisingly he (my hubby) has started to head that direction, thanks to the Baby Borrowers on tv. He is realizing how many mistakes he has made. Good thing, but he's still putting it all on me.
Need to put the boy in his own room. Yes he is in ours, has his own bed. But I have hated it for many years and although my dear husband hasn't wanted to deal with it, and agrees to a point that the boy needs to be in his own room ... refuses to help me move stuff like beds to get him there. And he has had several weeks off from work, he'll find any excuse not to help me. I ready to throw his stupid a#$ out! If he doesn't help ..he'll be moving in the same room with him. I have mentioned this to him only once. It's going to make him very angry when I do this... well, lets see what happens. Maybe he'll beat me to death and I won't have to think of it anymore. Or maybe I could get lucky and he moves out...or changes for the better. Some people have to have a lot of hell happen before they change. Well, then so be it. Let the hell begin. Hahaha *evil laugh*
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The Prayer Garden
I just got this email with this link in it. I think the Prayer Garden is gorgeous! You need to go and visit yourself. http://www.prayerforthenations.com/prayergarden/flash.htm
I hope you enjoy it too. There's a lot to look at and read, took me about 5 minutes to go through it all. But you can take your time. Thanks!
I hope you enjoy it too. There's a lot to look at and read, took me about 5 minutes to go through it all. But you can take your time. Thanks!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Last Day of School
Today was the last day of school until Aug/Sept. My son got out of school early, so I picked him up and we went to Papasitas Cantina in San Antonio. Long drive. The food was delicious. Thomas had fajitas and I had Schrimp Brochette. Yum. I took pics of the occasion. Will post those later. I will be working on my brag book pages this weekend, so I am hoping to get some new freebies out there soon. I think I have about 20 pages. It's time to go to bed. Goodnight.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Started Insulin Today...
I've been diabetic now going on 8 years, and today (May 21, 08)started using insulin. Bummer, huh?! Well I'm going to get back on the Kimkins Diet, it's the only one that has worked for me so far, I got off track, it's time to resume that. I need to lose weight and get off of diabetic meds. It's worked for others, so I believe I too have that chance. Lifestyle changes coming.
I passed my postal exam! Amazing to me, when I took the test I thought I had flunked it badly. But to my amazement I passed. Now I am on the 'List'. I could get called in at any time, but it could also take up to a few years, bummer. Oh well, I'm on the list! Woohoo.
I got accepted on a new Creative Team the other day. Melissa Daniel's Designs, there are links along side my main page on the left. I hope to eventually design for stores around on the internet, but I feel I need more training and practice. I'm a little bit of a perfectionist. So that might take a while. But I will be really good when I get there!
I passed my postal exam! Amazing to me, when I took the test I thought I had flunked it badly. But to my amazement I passed. Now I am on the 'List'. I could get called in at any time, but it could also take up to a few years, bummer. Oh well, I'm on the list! Woohoo.
I got accepted on a new Creative Team the other day. Melissa Daniel's Designs, there are links along side my main page on the left. I hope to eventually design for stores around on the internet, but I feel I need more training and practice. I'm a little bit of a perfectionist. So that might take a while. But I will be really good when I get there!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Buyers Beware
Hello, gee I found this digital scrapbooking store with less than good quality stuff. I must admit I bought 2 kits, boy am I sorry! Please check out their freebies carefully. They are supposed to be at 300dpi, said so on the main page. Well when I checked they are mostly 72ppi.
The owner of the store said,
Thank you for your patience, I am very sorry you were confused over the file
size and dpi. Upon investigation I did find that while the dpi of the items
in question were not the standard 300 the actual physical size more than
compensated i.e. HRLD_0508SDK_paper6- 9.jpg - 72 ppi were 50in x 50in when
changed to 300dpi are 12in x 12in.
Does that make it sound like it was my fault for being 'confused' about the size? 72ppi = 72ppi to me. And still if you zoom in ...any.... it is very pixelated, no smoothness going on here. They did however change the ppi to 299ppi, but the pixelation is still there. I did however ask for a refund, which wasn't addressed in the email. I would totally hate to see any of my friends go there and be as dissappointed as I am. Still am. So... here's the link. Try the freebies first, they should reflect their true work and their quality. But do be careful.
The owner of the store said,
Thank you for your patience, I am very sorry you were confused over the file
size and dpi. Upon investigation I did find that while the dpi of the items
in question were not the standard 300 the actual physical size more than
compensated i.e. HRLD_0508SDK_paper6- 9.jpg - 72 ppi were 50in x 50in when
changed to 300dpi are 12in x 12in.
Does that make it sound like it was my fault for being 'confused' about the size? 72ppi = 72ppi to me. And still if you zoom in ...any.... it is very pixelated, no smoothness going on here. They did however change the ppi to 299ppi, but the pixelation is still there. I did however ask for a refund, which wasn't addressed in the email. I would totally hate to see any of my friends go there and be as dissappointed as I am. Still am. So... here's the link. Try the freebies first, they should reflect their true work and their quality. But do be careful.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
My Personality
You Are An INFP |
The Idealist You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world. Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships. It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close. But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop. In love, you tend to have high (and often unrealistic) standards. You are very sensitive. You tend to have intense feelings. At work, you need to do something that expresses your personal values. You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist. How you see yourself: Unselfish, empathetic, and spiritual When other people don't get you, they see you as: Unrealistic, naive, and weak |
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I Just Love Ice Cream!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
God's Hands
This photo is at a lot of Christian places on the net. They are passing it off as the truth and it plainly pisses me off. The truth is here... http://www.snopes.com/photos/natural/godhands.asp
I am posting pics here as well. 

The top picture is going around in emails, of which I got mine this morning. It looked fake to me so I checked it out myself. So the original photo is included. It's sad when so many are deceived by a fake photo. Very sad. So I have been trying to make comments all over about it. Some places have no comment sections and no emails so trying to tell them the truth is very difficult. Maybe they just don't care. It says in the bible deception will increase in the last days. Sure looks like it. Again, the truth is out there, here is the link http://www.snopes.com/photos/natural/godhands.asp
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Had to share...
Friday, April 4, 2008
Freebie Site Located
I found a cool Digital Freebie Site, lots & lots of freebies. http://digifree.blogspot.com/
I even listed my site there. Very Cool. That means I need to make more freebies. I did find some kits out there that need cleaning up, so quality in some freebies suffer a little. But I clean mine and double check them before posting so I don't get those irritating little stray pixels. They can kinda mess up a layout. So if you can go vistit, it's like hitting the motherload of scrapbooking kits.
I even listed my site there. Very Cool. That means I need to make more freebies. I did find some kits out there that need cleaning up, so quality in some freebies suffer a little. But I clean mine and double check them before posting so I don't get those irritating little stray pixels. They can kinda mess up a layout. So if you can go vistit, it's like hitting the motherload of scrapbooking kits.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
3rd Born Puppy
2nd Born Puppy
1st Born Puppy
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Wednesday January 23, 2008
Today's Promise: And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. Isaiah 58:11
Ask and it shall be given you, Seek and ye shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto you. Luke 11:9
I am posting these scriptures here today because it speaks to me, and I want to look at it again and again.
Went to the dentist office yesterday, and the wait was so long I requested another appointment on a day when they weren't so busy. My son has been sick since Saturday. He started throwing up after the doctor visit on Monday. So he is still home recovering. The antibiotics are finally kicking in and his fever has come down below 100 now. It was being resistent to treatment for 2 days. Got up to 102.7 and wouldn't budge and that was after I had taken him to the doctor. I believe he will be well enough tomorrow to go back to school.
My hubby's friend Johnny is still in the hospital. He's been in a hospital since before Dec 2. He is very tired of being there, but he has MRSA infection in his blood and he is contagious. Lots of hand washing going on... They let him out about a week ago, because he kept insisting on going home, he went home with one of the nurses there, she lives 2 house down from him. He cannot medicate himself correctly. He tends to take handfulls of meds. So he has to be watched. Not even 20 hrs later, back at hospital. His heart stopped twice and they brought him back with paddles both times. He thinks he's ok though. He says, there's nothing wrong with me. Hmmm I don't think he's well.
Today's Promise: And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. Isaiah 58:11
Ask and it shall be given you, Seek and ye shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto you. Luke 11:9
I am posting these scriptures here today because it speaks to me, and I want to look at it again and again.
Went to the dentist office yesterday, and the wait was so long I requested another appointment on a day when they weren't so busy. My son has been sick since Saturday. He started throwing up after the doctor visit on Monday. So he is still home recovering. The antibiotics are finally kicking in and his fever has come down below 100 now. It was being resistent to treatment for 2 days. Got up to 102.7 and wouldn't budge and that was after I had taken him to the doctor. I believe he will be well enough tomorrow to go back to school.
My hubby's friend Johnny is still in the hospital. He's been in a hospital since before Dec 2. He is very tired of being there, but he has MRSA infection in his blood and he is contagious. Lots of hand washing going on... They let him out about a week ago, because he kept insisting on going home, he went home with one of the nurses there, she lives 2 house down from him. He cannot medicate himself correctly. He tends to take handfulls of meds. So he has to be watched. Not even 20 hrs later, back at hospital. His heart stopped twice and they brought him back with paddles both times. He thinks he's ok though. He says, there's nothing wrong with me. Hmmm I don't think he's well.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
yet another update on Lumineers
You're not gonna believe this one..... I called the dentist office to check on my lumineers, they said they hadn't heard anything on them being ready. A few minutes later I get a call back and Amy tells me... We need to schedule an appointment to take another mold of your bottom teeth. Seems we took the impression with the temporaries on, when we needed to take the impressions with the temporaries off. I say....dahh!! Now how many weeks did that waste? Over two weeks, waiting. These people are wasting oodles of time, mine and theirs!
Well, at Scrapgirls.com, Ro says, 'In five years, I'll be alive and this will be over!' I think she is right. I wish it were mostly over now. Hopefully by the end of January I will have all my dental work completed, and my postal exam scheduled, so I can start all the new beginnings this year holds! Change is good...right?!
Well, at Scrapgirls.com, Ro says, 'In five years, I'll be alive and this will be over!' I think she is right. I wish it were mostly over now. Hopefully by the end of January I will have all my dental work completed, and my postal exam scheduled, so I can start all the new beginnings this year holds! Change is good...right?!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
blog header
Woohoo, I just finished my blog header and figured out how to install it here. Wow and it matches my page color pretty good too. That was entirely an accident. I'm rather pleased with it, right now anyway. LOL Wonder how long that'll last?
It's about 1:15 am and I'm not too sleepy. How strange.
It's about 1:15 am and I'm not too sleepy. How strange.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
The Best Thing That Happened This Christmas

DigiDiva's Peace on Earth kit, fonts: courier & Christmas Card. Layout design by MonaLisaK.
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